Top 5 Wednesday - Fictional Jobs

  Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads Group ran by Lainey at GingerReadsLaniey and Samantha at ThoughtsonTomes and every Wednesday they give us a topic to blog/chat about. This week it is:

Fictional Jobs You'd Want to Have
-- Any fictional career you'd want to have? Remember, T5W is always open to movies, tv, and video games as well.

     I figure for this one I'd go for TV/Movie jobs. I'm a huge fan of Sci-Fi/Fantasy stuff and that is where all these jobs stem from. I also highly recommend you check out these movies and shows if you have not. I think they each hold something that anyone could get into if they are open enough. So lets get to it...

1. Time Cop - In this 1994 classic (I'm using that term loosely) Jean-Claude Van Damme stars a Timecop. In this movie, time travel is perfected and I believe some even use it as a way to go on vacation. But there is this new branch of the police that monitor time travel to make sure that when people go back they don't disturb the past. I just want to be able to go back in time, but seriously, doesn't that sound like a cool job? 🚨🚓

2. Wizard Teacher at Hogwarts (not Defense Against the Dark Arts though) Who wouldn't want to be a teacher at Hogwarts? I would love to see a Quidditch game. Go down Diagon Alley, get myself a proper wand. I'm in there like swim wear. 📚

3. Magical Pub Owner - Trick off of Lost Girl  Being the Blood King, his has THOUSANDS of years of knowledge and books hidden under his bar. His the go-to guy when the local police or the Dark or Light Fae are out of their "normal" realm of things and knows so much about the traditions of their people and their favorite drinks. 🍹

4. A Hunter- Supertnaural Baby! I mean really. I think that they have one of the coolest jobs ever. Now yes it a dangerous one and yes every hunter they meet doesn't have the BEST of endings. But they do such a world of good. And I would so LOVE to be a Man (Woman) Of Letters. Such history. I have two sisters, so a trio of hunters is always a good idea?


5. Doctor Who Companion! I mean, come on. I know it's not a real "job" and you can't really get paid for doing it. The experience alone is worth so much. Not only do you get to travel in/out and in between time you get to see, and forgive the Disney reference, a whole new world! I would sign up for that in a heartbeat! 🙋 FYI My favorite was Martha and 10 . She's the bees knees.


   That's it for me folks, let me know 👇down below👇 if you have seen these awesome shows and want to chat it up. Let me what fictional jobs you would want that maybe I didn't think of. And if you're a Whovian, let me know who you thought was the best companion.

                                PEACE ✌


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