Here's what I read in the month of May. I am proud of myself that I read what was on my TBR and that I had enough time to actually read more. So yea...Let's get to it.

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The Real Cool Killers- This gritty mystery had me all the way till the last page. I love how gritty and raw Mr. Himes writes his books. Grave Digger and Coffin Ed are two of the most law bending cops and since this story is taking place in the 60's-70's the racism is pretty blunt throughout the entire book. But I liked this book, and I want to continue reading this series. It is a tale of a white man who gets gunned down on the street and Grave Digger and Coffin Ed are on the hunt for his killer. But who actually does the deed is someone I never suspected.
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Rapture in Death-Is the book 4 in the In Death Series. I figured out who the killer was pretty early in the book, but it I still loved it. Officer Peabody is probably my favorite character in the books. And I really, really need someone to pick this up, hopefully SyFy, and turn these books into a great futuristic/cop television show. I don't think I can stand another hospital show. In this book multiple suicides have taken place, and while no one is calling foul play, Eve is suspicious about every death and starts to put the pieces together almost too late, but it ended in her favor (of course it did lol)
A Feast of Crows-The fourth installment in the A Song of Ice and Fire series was not as good as the pervious book, but it was still good none-the-less. There were moments when I was in my car listening to this audiobook (which I highly recommend) yelling because I thought a character that I love had died. This one pretty much dealt with all the happenings in the south, which encompasses the Iron Islands, Highgarden and Dorne. For me, all the chapters of Brienne made it worth the while and I grew to love her character more and more. #BRIENNETHEMADIENOFTARTH
The Fireman-This is the third book by Joe Hill that I have read and it was great. But to me, the only downside is that the last like 50 to 70 pages dragged for me. I say that because I just couldn't see what else could really happen with this story. If you want, you can see my review here. (<-- Click) It's not crazy long, but never-the-less, this was still a great book. The audio version was done by the awesome Kate Mulgrew.
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The Fireman-This is the third book by Joe Hill that I have read and it was great. But to me, the only downside is that the last like 50 to 70 pages dragged for me. I say that because I just couldn't see what else could really happen with this story. If you want, you can see my review here. (<-- Click) It's not crazy long, but never-the-less, this was still a great book. The audio version was done by the awesome Kate Mulgrew.

Cross the Line-The 24th book in the Alex Cross Series was sooo disappointing. It didn't have the flare that I was hoping for. And I'm hoping that the next book, coming out this year, is better, cause man look, it was just not hitting it for me. It read very mediocre and it was just meh. What I did find crazy was the fact that you see Alex's son Damon go to college. I remember when he was accepted to that private school up north and his youngest son Ali was just born. The growth in the characters was nice to see.
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Ceremony in Death-I wasn't planning on reading this one, but during those moments when I wanted to give my mind a break from Ms. Butler, I couldn't help but pick up the next book in this series. I am just in love with it. This one starts off with a death of a retired cop, Feeney's mentor and Eve is put on the case, because she's the best. But as she starts to dwell into his death another body is found outside her house and witches both light and dark are also thrown into the mix. Now look, I like witches, but sometimes their addition to storylines can altar a great story and make it turn to crap. Eve of course doesn't believe in this witches and spell casting that is, Peabody is on the fence and Roarke, well he's on the side of better to be safe than sorry. What I like about this one is that in the end, people are just people and no amount of smoke and mirrors can cover up murder.
Nine books aren't bad for the month, and that brings me up to 51 books on my Goodreads challenge. But since i'm reading a bind up of Xenogenesis, Dawn and Adulthood Rites won't count until I have read the third book in the trilogy. I'm very happy with what I read this month. The Fireman was probably the best thing I read, while the Alex Cross book was probably the worst. I also have a feeling that maybe alien invasion books aren't my cup of tea.
Until next time, let me know what you read this month. If you have read any of the books I've talked about chit chat with me down below about em'.
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This is not a sponsored post, I'd just thought I'd share.
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