Imago- ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Book 3 in the Xenogenesis Trilogy really did it for me. While I was weary about finishing this series I am very glad that I did. This was a great ending to the trilogy and after having finished it about a 1/2 hour ago (July 4th) I'm still in awe of the whole series. This still isn't the best thing I have read of Ms. Butler's works as a whole but Imago is the best of the three, hands and sensory tentacles down lol. This story followed another child of Liliths' called Jodahs who is born an Oankali construct (humans and Oankali breed with the help of an Oankali called ooloi). He is the first of his kind and unlike Akin from the previous book, he goes out on his own to find a place where he belongs. What I liked about this story was the fact that we got another POV in this new world. But it's from the position of an Ooloi. Who I thought were fascinating creatures in the first book.
Rose Gold-⭐⭐⭐ I have finally made it to book 13 in the Easy Rawlins Series. And while I am happy that I made it, this one was just okay to me. A young girl who is known for getting into trouble couples up with a boxer to try and scam some money out her rich old man.
Every Heart A Doorway-⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is a re-read for me. I had already read this book in March of this year during #MarchMysteryMadness. It's a small novella, 176 page book and I think it was because the new book, Down Among the Sticks and Bones, was recently released that it made me want to really read this book again to see why it was lingering in my mind so damn much. And as I was re-reading it, I fell for it more so I raised its star rating from 3 to 4 stars. I just liked the depth of each child and I really liked how each door that they went into was made for them, how they really were deep inside even if their parents and friends didn't know and understand them, the world that they traveled to was a perfect match for them where they could thrive.

Down Among the Sticks and Bones- ⭐⭐⭐.5 YES LIBRARY (#supportyourlocallibraries) with the download of this gem! I was so pumped when I saw the email that it was my turn. This prequel, book 2 of the Wayward Children series focuses on Jack and Jill, twin girls who were only conceived to make their parents look good in their social circles, not because they loved and wanted children. What a crazy idea right? lol
But yeah, their parents the husband wanting nothing more than a son he can bring and brag around the office, had to "settle" with Jillian who seemed to be the more wilder of the two, while the mother doted on Jacqueline as the princess that she always wanted. They weren't really brought up as natural best friends, but more like rivals. Until one day they sneak into their grandmas old room to a chest that held all the keys to make-believe (costumes and swords and such) but instead found what looked like, and felt like a never-ending staircase that ended with a door that only held two words itched in its wood, BE SURE. But what two 12 year old girls you know are really sure of anything? They go through and land in The Moors. And that is where this tale starts. Now being this is a short novella, of less than 200 pages I can't really go into more than that. But I will say that, yes you can read this one as a stand alone, but I think that if you read Every Heart a Doorway then read this one, it will make a better picture for the reader.
Waking Gods-⭐⭐⭐⭐.5 Book 2 in the Themis Files. My library came through in the clutch with this one. I had just read the first book in the series last month and was completely taken back at how awesome it was and I didn't want for a million years to go by before I finished this one up. This one takes place about 10 years after the first one ends. I can't really give you too much, spoilers and all, but I can say that I liked it, just as much as I did the first one. Even though some people won't make it to the third one, which is why I think I took it down a star, I know it's petty but I liked them.*shrug* That ending though?!?! The next book, is going to be EPIC. At least I hope it is. Who knows when it will be published, but wow. That ending. It made so much sense. I HIGHLY SUGGEST you listen to the audiobooks when reading these books. It adds a layer to the story like no other. It's a perfect combination. Read this book, get the audio. You won't be disappointed.

It's about a young boy who is left in the care of his grandma after the death of his parents. They take a holiday and his grandma tells him how to spot a witch and how dangerous they are. While on holiday he meets the Grand High Witch who has a plan on getting rid of all the children in England. It's up to this young boy and his grandmama to save the hotel and all the children of England. It was action packed and touching and even funny. I loved it.

The Name of the Wind- My buddy read for the month didn't go very well, for me that is. While I did enjoy what I read. I am sad to say that I had to DNF this book. It just didn't keep my interest as well as I had hoped. It didn't help that I went out of town for two weeks visiting family in Ohio. So yeah I didn't get to love this book as much as I wanted to. (I hate when I don't like a book that was really hyped up on booktube and goodreads.)
Charcoal Joe- ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5 I loved this one, I'm sad to say that this is the last book in the Easy Rawlins series, but it was great. Being on vacation I was happy to finish this series on a happy note. Easy has been once again asked to help find someone and use all his know how to get them out of it. The growth of not just Easy, but Feather, Jesus, Bonnie and all the rest of the gang since the start of this series is what I love to see the most in the characters that I love. This one takes place in the last 1960's and we find Easy, pretty much where we left him at the end of Rose Gold starting a new detective agency with his pals Saul Lynx and Tinsford "Whisper" Natly calling themselves WRENS-L Detective Agency. Easy is asked by his friend Mouse to help a friend of his called Charcoal Joe, a man who in some circles is more feared than Mouse. Joe needs Easy's help getting a personal friend of his out of a jam before he is convicted of murder. While there isn't a clear cut ending to this book, as in to say that this is the final one, but as of right now, this series is finished.
Blood Colony- ⭐⭐⭐⭐ I was very surprised on the growth of characters in this book. This book (book 3 in the African Immortals Series) takes place 14 years after the second book The Living Blood where a drug called Glow is hitting the streets and heals most illnesses but those who are selling and giving it to those in need are being hunted and killed. Fana and her family are trying to figure out who is doing all these killings and stop them. All the while dealing with their own personal issues within the family. What I loved about this book was the growth we get to see in Fana. Last we see her as a three year old child, now was see her as a budding young adult coming into her own not only as an immortal but in her own skin dealing with those new emotions and feelings that a young woman feels. It was great. And little scary.

James and the Giant Peach-⭐⭐⭐⭐ I have loved the 1996 film adaptation of this book since FOREVER so when the opportunity to read the actual book came about I had to do it. Once again, shoutout to my library for holding me down. It's a story about a boy named James who lives with his two horrible aunts Spike and Sponge and pretty much treat him like the Dursley's treat Harry Potter. And one day James is visited by an old man who gives James a bag full of theses green little wormy things and he tells James to take care of them, because if they fall into the wrong hands some marvelous things can happen. I don't want to give to much away even though the movie and book aren't new, but still spoilers and such. But I loved it. It wasn't like the movie in some ways, but it was great to me. Not as good as The Witches, which I found shocking to me honestly, due to my own personal preferences I wasn't too upset.
My Soul to Take- SO this is the 1/2 I was talking about. This is the fourth book in the African Immortals series and I'm about 25% into it. I wasn't able to finish reading this one before the 1st of August, so this will be one of my main priorities for the following month. It takes up right where Blood Colony left off at what seems like the end of the ten year engagement.
All in all I'm happy with what I read. It sucks that my Buddy read didn't go over well for me, but the two other ladies (Frankie and Monica) seemed to be loving it and maybe I'll be picking this up again. And looking back at my TBR I only didn't get to pick up two of my books, that's not bad at all. I didn't fall too much off script. I've also got some personal things that are kind of taking president so I feel like my reading is going to be slowing down some fingers crossed it won't take too much of a hit. That's it for me folks, let me know down below what you have read this month.
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