Have you ever been in a situation where, you have your books set out for the month, but don't have any idea where to start? That's pretty much how I started out this month. But once I got going, I got in some really great books and some meh books and I'm happy to share with you all the things that I had the pleasure to read. And thank God for my library, because I'll tell you what, going there has saved my pockets some serious change. I am proud to say that I sticked to my TBR (slightly) and yes, lets get to it.

Finding Amos- ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
For a book to be written by three different woman, I was very impressed with how seamless it was read. There wasn't a moment when I felt that there was a shift in the writing, but only the difference in characters, which I'm sure is what I was supposed to receive. Finding Amos was the story of three women, stepsisters, who all hail from different lives have this "coming home" kind of moment when the man that has be named their father is hospitalized after crashing his car and finding out that he suffered from Alzheimer's disease. The three sisters Cassandra, Toya, and Tomiko each have their own hate/love relationship with Amos and each has to come to terms with their past relationship/connection with him and reflect on their own relationships with the men in their lives. And that can be proven to be really hard to do. All in all, I really enjoyed this book. I was happy to find the audio at my library.
For a book to be written by three different woman, I was very impressed with how seamless it was read. There wasn't a moment when I felt that there was a shift in the writing, but only the difference in characters, which I'm sure is what I was supposed to receive. Finding Amos was the story of three women, stepsisters, who all hail from different lives have this "coming home" kind of moment when the man that has be named their father is hospitalized after crashing his car and finding out that he suffered from Alzheimer's disease. The three sisters Cassandra, Toya, and Tomiko each have their own hate/love relationship with Amos and each has to come to terms with their past relationship/connection with him and reflect on their own relationships with the men in their lives. And that can be proven to be really hard to do. All in all, I really enjoyed this book. I was happy to find the audio at my library.
Orange Vol.2- ⭐⭐⭐
This is the conclusion to the Orange series and to be honest, I wishing for a little more. The first one was full of emotions and this one did't just end, it just didn't end the way I was hoping for. I still enjoyed the characters and the message of hope and understanding that this series promotes (sidetone: if suicide or the lost of a parent is hard for you, I would be cautious)
The Changeling- ⭐⭐⭐.5
After having read The Ballad of Black Tom I wasn't too sure if I would like The Changeling but after hearing so many good things about this book I just had to give it a try. And I must say, I was happy that I did. Victor LaValle sets up such a beautifully written story about a man who's in the business of find used rare books and turning them for a profit. The main character, Apollo and his wife go through this amazingly creepy adventure and it all seemed to come out of nowhere. Like really, one minute you're reading a story about a man and his beautiful wife and their newborn son and the next it takes a turn on WTF street and you're reading the pages so fast so you can figure out what is going on and what could possibly happen next. This book saved his writing for me and I'm sure I'll pick up his next book.
After having read The Ballad of Black Tom I wasn't too sure if I would like The Changeling but after hearing so many good things about this book I just had to give it a try. And I must say, I was happy that I did. Victor LaValle sets up such a beautifully written story about a man who's in the business of find used rare books and turning them for a profit. The main character, Apollo and his wife go through this amazingly creepy adventure and it all seemed to come out of nowhere. Like really, one minute you're reading a story about a man and his beautiful wife and their newborn son and the next it takes a turn on WTF street and you're reading the pages so fast so you can figure out what is going on and what could possibly happen next. This book saved his writing for me and I'm sure I'll pick up his next book.

Buying Time- ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
The first book in the Dre Thomas series was definitely something that I had never heard of. On one had you have people dying of cancer selling their life insurance policies for cash to pay for other things in their life that need money now, like maybe an experimental surgery, paying off some bills things like that. But when people who are dying of cancer unexpectedly start dying off sooner than expected, questions are raised by surviving family matters and when the Assistant U.S. Attorney Angela Evans is assigned to the case more things come to light. I love Pamela Samuels Young characters they always read so realistic and fast paced I'm very happy with this book. And definitely plan on reading the next book in the series.
The first book in the Dre Thomas series was definitely something that I had never heard of. On one had you have people dying of cancer selling their life insurance policies for cash to pay for other things in their life that need money now, like maybe an experimental surgery, paying off some bills things like that. But when people who are dying of cancer unexpectedly start dying off sooner than expected, questions are raised by surviving family matters and when the Assistant U.S. Attorney Angela Evans is assigned to the case more things come to light. I love Pamela Samuels Young characters they always read so realistic and fast paced I'm very happy with this book. And definitely plan on reading the next book in the series.
The Talented Ribkins- ⭐⭐⭐.5
Wasn't what I thought it was going to be, but at the same time I couldn't put it down. Seventy-two year old Johnny Ribkins is in a pickle. He stole some money from a really bad man and now has a week to get it all back or he is killed. So to get this money Johnny has taken a drive to all his old haunts to dig up money that he has had stashed away for over 30 years and on his travels he has picked up a niece that he didn't know existed and has taken her along so that they can get to know each other and so that Johnny can teach her what it means to be a Ribkins and trying to find out what the purpose of her gift is. Oh did I forget to mention that the Ribkins are a family that possess a strong range of "superhero" talents. Johnny for example for create maps of places whether he has been to the place or not. Eloise, his niece, is able to catch anything that is thrown at her. If you think you are going to get a book full of action and suspense this is more of a book about self reflection. I enjoyed it. I'm glad to have it in my library.
Shadowshaper- ⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was a reread before the second book in the Shadowshaper Cipher came out and I have to say I just love the way this man writes a scene. I love the way Brooklyn comes through these pages and I just love the magic system presented here in this book and the historical/cultural connections.

Paper Girls Vol. 1- (reread)⭐⭐⭐⭐
I reread this volume just as fast as I read it the first time, and I still enjoyed it. Four girls waking up at the crack of dawn to deliver papers and it all gets way out of hand when a flash of light and flying dinosaurs like creature appear out of nowhere. Taking place in 1988 Ohio, these four girls are literally thrown into this crazy adventure with flying dragon like creatures, aliens, life saving bugs, time traveling and future selves.
I reread this volume just as fast as I read it the first time, and I still enjoyed it. Four girls waking up at the crack of dawn to deliver papers and it all gets way out of hand when a flash of light and flying dinosaurs like creature appear out of nowhere. Taking place in 1988 Ohio, these four girls are literally thrown into this crazy adventure with flying dragon like creatures, aliens, life saving bugs, time traveling and future selves.
Paper Girls Vol. 2- ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Having had this book on my shelf for a long time I freed since I had book three it was time to go ahead and catch up with the series. And this one was just as good as the first.
Having had this book on my shelf for a long time I freed since I had book three it was time to go ahead and catch up with the series. And this one was just as good as the first.
Paper Girls Vol. 3- ⭐⭐⭐
This one seemed like a random time travel episode of Sliders, trying to find a way to of getting the girls back home. The art style is still beautiful and I love the color palette they use. I can't wait for the next installment to come out I'm sure sometime next year.
This one seemed like a random time travel episode of Sliders, trying to find a way to of getting the girls back home. The art style is still beautiful and I love the color palette they use. I can't wait for the next installment to come out I'm sure sometime next year.

Bluebird, Bluebird- ⭐⭐⭐⭐
My 100th book of the year was one of my most anticipated releases for this year and Mrs. Locke didn't disappoint. I loved the setting for this story. Bluebird, Bluebird takes Darren Matthews a Texas Ranger, who is on probation a waiting word from a grand jury, is on the road to Lark, Texas where a black man was murdered and a local white woman was killed closely afterwards. Darren Matthew is in this small town with all it's secrets on this crazy ride where race, love, land and murder are all the elements you need. Reading this book, you almost get the sense that the mystery is the backdrop of this whole cast of characters and where it can sometimes be confusing as to the connections within this town it was wasn't hard to keep yourself on track. Black Chit Lit, a podcast that I really love to listen to did a great review of the book and some of the things that they spoke of mirror my exact thoughts. I heard that this was going to be turned into a series and by the way this book ended you can see that it has to be true.
My 100th book of the year was one of my most anticipated releases for this year and Mrs. Locke didn't disappoint. I loved the setting for this story. Bluebird, Bluebird takes Darren Matthews a Texas Ranger, who is on probation a waiting word from a grand jury, is on the road to Lark, Texas where a black man was murdered and a local white woman was killed closely afterwards. Darren Matthew is in this small town with all it's secrets on this crazy ride where race, love, land and murder are all the elements you need. Reading this book, you almost get the sense that the mystery is the backdrop of this whole cast of characters and where it can sometimes be confusing as to the connections within this town it was wasn't hard to keep yourself on track. Black Chit Lit, a podcast that I really love to listen to did a great review of the book and some of the things that they spoke of mirror my exact thoughts. I heard that this was going to be turned into a series and by the way this book ended you can see that it has to be true.
Wild Seed- ⭐⭐⭐⭐
This is my 6th Octavia E. Butler book of the year and this one blew me away from jump. This has to be probably one of my favorite reads from her so far. We start off inn Africa in 1690, where Doro is strangely drawn to a woman named Anyanwu, a shapeshifter who is over 300 years old. The dynamics's between Anyanwu and Doro is what keep me glued to this book. This was very character driven story. Doro is a collector of special people, he is also an immortal who has the ability to transfer his being into another living body. And while he his being drawn to these special people he collects them and proceeds to breed them in multiple communities to create people with powers such as being able to hear others thoughts, being super strong, being able to control peoples thoughts, all kinds of people. The tug of war that begins between Doro and Anyanwu is great. This story took place over 140 years and in finishing this read, I can only image what will happen next.
Esio Trot- ⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was such a cute read. And while I can admit that there might be some "problematic" elements, I thought it was just delightful. Mr. Hoppy and Mrs. Silver live in the same apartment building, and Mr. Hoppy has a huge crush on the Mrs. Silver who lives downstairs from him, but no real way of really being in her life besides the normal, casual "hello neighbor". So to give himself a way to talk to his neighbor Mr. Hoppy tells her that he knows a way to make her tortoise grow twice as large. And so the story goes on from there. It's a pretty short story, being no more than 65 pages so I can't give you anymore than that, but I really liked it. And I love turtles.

Fantastic Mr. Fox-⭐⭐⭐
Another short book by Mr. Dahl that I picked up this month and it was just okay. I still love his writing and I really enjoy the illustrations but sometimes this story can be what I think could be a little harsh for young readers. A fox family living near three farmers is being hunted by the three farmers after food from each farm has gone missing. Once again, it's a very short book, not even 100 pages and I think that is enough of a synopsis without giving it all way. I liked this one, but it was just okay.
A Silent Voice Vol.1-⭐⭐⭐
I have been having my eye on this series for so long, I finally was able to pick up the whole series (7 books) from the library. The main reason as to why I really wanted to pick up this book is because one of the characters is deaf and communicates in sign language and I always find that interesting to see depicted in manga form. This first book tells of a young boy meeting the newly transferred deaf girl and then proceeds to make her life at school a living hell. The whole first book I was disgusted at him being such a bully/asshole to the girl and then later on it backfires on him and then contemplates suicide and tries to find the girl he once tormented to make some kind of amends with her before he does the deed and it all goes sideways from there. This would have been a two star book if it didn't start to redeem itself near the end.
A Silent Voice Vol.2-⭐⭐⭐⭐
This installment was much better. The young man realizes the error in his ways and starts to see what it is like to be a true friend to someone and have someone be a true friend to him. There are moments when I feel the transition from one place to another or even sometimes the conversation is somehow disjointed and choppy but it still gives off this light humor under it all which I like. But I'm not entirely sure if I want to continue with this series as of this moment.
Anybody's Daughter-⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
WOW, wow, wow! I don't know what it is but sex-trafficking/human-trafficking has been the recurring buzz words that I have been hearing lately. Even in the town that I live in, I just recently saw in the papers about a sex-trafficking ring that has been recently exposed and even some soldiers were involved. And this book I felt really talks about something that isn't really talked about. Normally when you hear about a ring you think of immigrants getting caught up in scams to get to America, when you don't even think of the girls who are taking right off our city streets and sold into this world. And Pamala Samuels Young has done it again with this one. Bringing light to a world we might never really see, or for some, don't choose to see at all. Black and brown girls being taken right from us and no media or police coverage or assistance. Angela and Dre and trying to get what they once had six months ago in the first book back again when Dre gets a call from his sister, saying that his niece Brianna didn't get to school and no one has seen her. Dre, loving that girl like a daughter he never had, refuses to give up until he gets his niece back. Fast pace, edge of your seat writing always has me flying through these pages. The third installment in the Dre Thomas series came out on the 25th of September and I might have to pick that one up during the month of October.
The Talon of God- ⭐⭐⭐

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