I'd figure I'd do the whole top books of 2017, because to be real, I did read some great books last year and I'm pumped to share them with you. They aren't in particular order, just some great books, that I really loved this year and if you are so inclined, Dear Reader you might pick these up yourselves. I'm not really going to give a lot of detail about each of theses books since I have raved about them in the past.

If you have read any of these books, hit me up below so we can chit chat about them, I would love to see what you have thought about them. Also what are some of the best books you have read this year? Let me know down below. Link me to your pages or videos whatever you got so I can check em' out, until next time folks.
Also, why not check out My Year in books on Goodreads! You can see the shortest book I read, the longest, how many pages I read and all kinds of other fun reading data that Goodreads was kind enough to keep for me during the year.

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