MAY TBR!! 👩🏿💻

Binti Trilogy by Nnedi Okorafor. I have had the complete set since January of this year and I have only read Binti twice, yes I know shame on me. Seeing these on my shelves I just felt the inclination to read them. The want was so strong in me, you probably know what I'm talking about. I love her works and I'm very excited to see where Binti will lead me, especially after seeing her transformation at the end of book 1.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a classic science fiction story written by a classic science fiction writer. I read Fahrenheit 451 back in either eight grade or ninth, I can't really remember, but I do remember loving it. HBO is also showing a new movie adaptation of the books later this month, check it out here. Written in 1953, this dystopian novel shows us a society where the written word is outlawed and there are firemen, where instead of putting out fires, they are tasked to start them. Buring all forms of written world and imprisoning those who have such contraband. I remember being very taken with the very idea of this and I just loved it. Now I'm going to read it, many, many moons later and see if it still holds up.
What It Means When A Man Falls From The Sky by Lesley Nneka Arimah is a new-to-me collection of short stories about parenthood, friendships, and love with touches of fantasy and magical realism all within less than 250 pages. I believe there are 12 stories set in West Africa and I'm just ready to be wowed by the whole thing to be honest. I have heard nothing but good things about this collection.
Kintu by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi, this one was picked up mainly because of three people on the gram and youtube (you know who you are if you're reading this) who have LOVED this book and have talked nonstop about it, and then I saw this BEAUTIFUL hardback version of the book (thank you Book Depository) and I just had to have it on my shelves. Now that I have it, I want to read it sooner than later *shrug*. I really don't want to read too much into what is going to happen in this book, because I really like to go into my books as blind as I can, but I believe there is a curse on a family and we get to see multi-generations of this one family deal with the curse and maybe even see it broken? I'm not sure, but if the story is as beautiful as the book itself, I don't think I can go wrong.

Only Human by Sylvain Neuvel is the third and final book in the Themis Files. I love this series and I am so sad that this is over. I have the audiobook to listen along with me. The audiobooks are soooo good. I don't think these would be as good, to me, if I didn't have the audio. I have the first two book already reviewed and you can check them out here (I read them last month, just click the tag on the bottom or head on over to my Goodreads page and check them out there)
The Stand (currently reading) by Stephen King is my big book of the month. I have been meaning to read this book for a long time and this was actually supposed to be my only big SK book of the year, but I read Under the Dome in January and ABSOLUTELY loved it and I wanted to go ahead and tackle The Stand before his new book comes out later this month. I am currently reading The Stand and it's full of characters which I think is what SK excels at the most. The Stand is about this flu-like virus that escapes this military/CDC like facility and then it reeks havoc on the world and the ones that are left behind are the ones we get to follow on this momentous journey.
Here are all the books I plan on reading for the month of May, I also have some ARCs and my luck, I'll have some library holds that come in too. Also, tomorrow, on the 5th of May is the #GettingGraphic Readathon where for a whole 24 hours you get to read nothing but comics. I'm not sure if I'm going to participate in it officially or not, but it's not far from my mind. What are you plan on reading in May, let me know down below! Till next time!
I have been struggling with the last book in the Binti trilogy. It's not grabbing me like the first two. I've seen Fahrenheit 451 on many times while book browsing but never picked it up. I want to see the movie first if I like it I'll grab the book. I need to read Kintu as well. Don't side eye but I've never read Octavia Butler either. Im still dipping my toes in afro futurism so I plan to read her stuff soon.